Episode 106 - Our Time

It's a big day at the Cups N Cakes headquarters as Jeff & Carey can finally play a song from their upcoming Compilation Cassette. They premiere a track from Winnipeg's Mulligrub and detail the release date which will coincide with the Cups N Cakes 4yr Anniversary. They also play a set from Sled Island's second wave of announced artists.

Tune in & hear music from: Mulligrub, J Blissette, Smash Boom Pow, Dumb, Kristian North, Jackson Macintosh, Marty Zylstra, Freak Heat Waves, Michael Rault, Jo Passed, Slates, Body Lens, ANZU, Lex Plexus, Yabra, Quinzee Town, A La Mode, Chunder Buffet & Jock Tears
