Premiere: Blackout Orchestra - "Nowhere Near The Looking Glass"

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Toronto’s Ben VanBuskirk created Blackout Orchestra out of necessity. Finding himself at the end of a troubled relationship and two musical projects (The Dearly Bereft and Green Girl), he sunk into a heavy depression fuelled by anxiety and alcoholism. With the help of his closest friends, he got sober, he got counselling, and he started writing.

Blackout Orchestra was born.

During 2020, he spent his quarantine learning music production and putting together an album documenting the fall and rise of the last months and years. On March 5th, 2021, we will get to hear the fruits of his labour.

The album is called I Will Want You When We Are Ghosts and it is informed from VanBuskirk’s journey, he explains:

“I'd become one of those quiet alcoholics who doesn't get out of hand, but spends all their money, shows up late to work if at all, and generally lost any purpose. The alcoholism, in turn, was a symptom of depression and anxiety that I'd left unchecked. The break up was the rock bottom, but also what I needed to re-evaluate the rest of my life and slowly crawl back to being a person. That slow crawl is what the album is about.”

We are very excited to premiere the albums second single, please enjoy “Nowhere Near The Looking Glass.”

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I Will Want You When We Are Ghosts Tracklisting:

1. Siren Song
2. Fine Lines
3. Bijou
4. Nowhere Near the Looking Glass
5. Apartment Window
6. Stargazing
7. A Thousand Times
8. Wanderlust
9. Dreamers Often Lie
10. Nothing But Blue Skies