Music Waste 2021

One of Vancouver’s coolest music festivals is returning this June. Music Waste is open for submissions until April 2nd for their “all virtual” 2021 edition. 

It’s nice to see one of Vancouver’s most important music festivals returning despite the pandemic. Yes, an all virtual edition is less than ideal but instead of focusing on the negative, let’s highlight the positives!

First and foremost, this festival still exists! Music Waste is such an important event for smaller acts in Vancouver. It’s a legit festival appearance to add to their resumes, this will help with applications to larger festivals and even grant applications. The importance of small festivals like Music Waste cannot be understated.

Second. All of Canada can now apply to play because of their all-virtual platform for 2021. The festival is loved in Vancouver and you can be sure dedicated fans of that city’s scene will be tuning in to watch. This is a great opportunity for acts from different cities across Canada to gain fans in Vancouver. Who knows, when touring is possible again, the west coast stop might become your most memorable because of fans created from this virtual edition of the festival.

Finally, this is a great way for music fans from across the country to get to know the Vancouver music scene a little better. You’ll get to see acts you’ve never heard of, and also take on a music festival you’ve never attended. If you love discovery, this will be a music fans dream.

In order for the good folks at Music Waste to make their virtual edition of the 2021 edition as great as possible, they need artist submissions. If you have the ability to pre-record or live stream a concert, please consider applying before the deadline of April 2nd. Have no idea what your virtual performance might look like? Don’t have the right recording equipment? No problem, the good folks behind the festival will help! Access to tech resources will not affect your likelihood of being selected!

Here’s all the info needed:


MUSIC WASTE 2021 will take place June 17-20th as an ENTIRELY VIRTUAL FEST! Music Waste welcomes submissions from all genres and styles. Submissions are open NOW until April 2.


  • Instagram live streams

  • Pre-recorded sets

  • Listening & Watch Parties

  • Maybe other things too?!

Pitch the wildest ideas you have for your performance—we will have experts, equipment, and resources available to help make your vision become a reality!

It’s also okay if you don’t know what your performance would look like yet!
We ask questions in the application process around access to equipment, technical skills, and general concept for a pre-recorded set. Your answers will NOT influence the selection process; we're asking so we can figure out the best ways to support you in participating if your band/project gets selected.

MONEY: We pay all bands equally based on the festival revenue, and there is no fee to submit.

INCLUSIVITY + VALUES: Music Waste works to create a safe, supportive environment at the festival, and thus has zero tolerance for sexism, racism, homophobia, queerphobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, and other forms of oppression. Music Waste may, at its discretion, take action to remove individuals or groups from the festival lineup and/or events if we believe they fail to meet these standards. Bands that express any type of discrimination in their application or include offensive/harmful topics or language in the concepts for their performance will not be considered.

To start your submission, click here. SUBMISSIONS CLOSE APRIL 2 at midnight.

Feel free to contact us at, or via DM on any of our social media channels.