Counterfeit Jeans/Blessed/Yo Bear/Junko Daydream

Counterfeit Jeans - Medicated

Medicated perfectly balances shoegaze with punk and if this dreamy, yet driving track is any indication of what is to come on their new album, then we are all in for a treat early in February when “Good Morning” drops.

Blessed - Thought

With a running time of 2:25, you may find yourself wondering how Blessed packed all their intricacies into this new song, but you will hear all the progressive elements are there along with improvement on the bands already impressive songwriting skills.

Yo Bear - Losing Gains

Hailing from a simpler time when punk rock was experiencing one of its many rebirths, the melodic yelling and straight forward composition recaptures the energy of local shows and the feeling of being inspired to start your first band.

Junko Daydream - I Will Show You Fear in a Handful of Dust

This debut EP from London, Ontario’s Junko Daydream tastefully combines a wide variety of influences with raw human emotion. Heavy and fast-moving tracks flow naturally into calmer streams before throwing you over the falls into a frenzy of crushing riffs.

- Jeshaiah David