Cindy Lee/BABYFATS/Praises/MechaDroid

Cindy Lee - Model Express

Model Express, which came out in early November has an almost otherworldly feel to it with an undeniable beauty that isn’t held down by the borders of genre. It is a listening experience that will carry you away on the waves of synth, psych, and folk.


The debut album by Saskatoon’s BABYFATS is a lo-fi punk rock juggernaut that is here to rip the patriarchal establishment a new one.  It is punk the way it should be, fast and angry and a whole lot of fun.

Praises - In This Year: Ten of Swords

A hauntingly beautiful group of songs that feels like a long lost Portishead album.  For the days when you’d rather be left alone with your thoughts, the soaring voice of Jesse Crowe and the chilling, subtle arrangements are exactly what the doctor prescribed. 

MechaDroid - It’s Fine

Sometimes bass and drums are all you need to get the party started. The first album by Regina’s MechaDroid is the perfect example of grabbing a friend, plugging in, and cranking the volume to have a good time belting it out. 

- Jeshaiah David